The Thunder Bay Police Service launched an organizational change project called “Shaping our Future” in 2017. The purpose of this initiative is to re-right relations inside and outside the TPBS (particularly Indigenous groups) to respond to calls of systemic discrimination within the TBPS via four elements:
1. Revamp the structure and function of the Aboriginal Liaison Unit to enhance community policing
2. Invigorate recruitment to attract Indigenous and other under-represented groups to TBPS, both civilian and sworn, through a creative, interactive approach that engages community.
3. Create structured, ongoing training opportunities for TBPS staff by offering diversity and culturally significant courses to enhance employees’ knowledge and abilities to interact with all community members--over the course of their careers.
4. Enhance TBPS communications internally and externally to convey organizational changes and foster accountability through formative and summative evaluations.
A working group has been formed which includes staff from the TBPS and 3 community members who have volunteered to work collectively on the key goals of the project. The committee's first meeting was held on April 4, 2018.
Look for updates on this page as the working group progresses.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for the working group to consider, please feel free to use this feedback form. Your ideas will be shared with the committee members.