Incident Number
TB24033495, TB24034138, TB24034270

One person was arrested after a trio of vehicle theft incidents from local businesses.

Over the last two weeks, the Thunder Bay Police Service received reports of thefts from multiple businesses after lockboxes had been breached.

On the morning of Thursday, August 15, a Vickers Street business had its lockbox broken into, leading to a customer's vehicle being stolen.

On Tuesday, August 20, an Alloy Drive business also had its lockbox broken into. The suspect stole a vehicle, along with the sets of keys for several others.

On Wednesday, August 21, a lockbox of a Central Avenue business was damaged and vehicle keys were accessed, leading to two vehicles being stolen.

The Break and Enter and Robbery (BEAR) Unit became involved in the investigation.

Investigators determined the same male suspect was involved in all three incidents. The investigation resulted in a suspect being identified. The suspect was located on Tuesday, August 27, and was arrested.

Alexander EATON, 32, of St. Catharines, is charged with the following:

  • Break and Enter and Committing an Indictable Offence x3
  • Theft of a Motor Vehicle x4
  • • Mischief

The accused appeared in court and has been remanded into custody with a future appearance date.

Thunder Bay