Incident Date

The Thunder Bay Police Service would like to remind the public to be extra cautious around waterways and to call 911 to report any risky activity observed in these areas.

Temperatures continue to drop, which increases the risk of hypothermia and drowning for anyone who may find themselves in the water. For incidents involving people in the water, a quick response by first responders is critical.

Such a response was required on the weekend after first responders were dispatched to McVicar’s Creek on Algoma Street shortly after 3:30 p.m. following reports of a man trapped in the water.

Police officers and firefighters arrived and learned a male was on his back and nearly submerged in the water.

A good Samaritan had already attempted to pull the male from the creek, but was unable to bring him all the way to shore. Meanwhile, another bystander waited at the scene for first responders to relay information to them.

A Thunder Bay Police Service officer and Thunder Bay Fire Rescue firefighter entered the water and were able to bring the man to safety.

During incidents like this, calling 911 and remaining at the scene to assist first responders with information can help make a life-saving difference.

As temperatures continue to drop area waterways will begin to partially freeze over, creating new risks for citizens in these areas. If you observe risky behavior that could result in a person in the waterway, you are urged to call 911.

Thunder Bay