Former Fort William First Nation chief joins TPBS Board
Incident Date

FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION, Ont. – A former chief of this northwestern Ontario community has been sworn in as the city’s police board’s newest member.

The first-ever Thunder Bay Police Service Board meeting to be held in Fort William First Nation took place on Tuesday, Feb. 19. During this meeting the board officially swore in Georjann Morriseau as a member.

Currently a director of Indigenous and public affairs in the private sector, Morriseau served as a Fort William First Nation band councilor between 2011 and 2016, and held the role of chief between 2013 and 2015.

“I wanted to be part of this because I could see the opportunities,” Morriseau told local reporters after the public session of the board meeting. “I saw the opportunity in a sense that we are facing, as a city, pretty big challenges at this time.

“I thought I might be able to come to the table with a sense of balance and sense of determination.”  

The new board member brings a wealth of experience in local, regional and Indigenous issues along with knowledge of the Canadian justice system.

With this experience and knowledge, Morriseau hopes she can assist the board in her first few years to build, and where necessary repair, trust between the community and its municipal police service.

“So that the community sees the police board providing the support necessary to the community and the police service so that they can do the best that they can do,” she said. “Maybe it’s a bit optimistic, but in five years I would like to see more positive success stories surrounding what’s happening here in Thunder Bay.”

For now the new board member is just eager to get that mandate moving forward.

“I’ve had overwhelming support from everybody and I’m ready to get working.”

Fort William First Nation