2019 TBPS Citizen Satisfaction & Trust Survey is underway!
Incident Date

Today is day one of the Thunder Bay Police Service 2019 Citizen Satisfaction and Trust Survey.

The 2019 Survey has been designed to provide the citizens we serve with an opportunity to let us know how we’re doing. The survey will also measure trust in policing. The survey was developed by Dr. Leisa Desmoulins, Assistant Professor, Department of Aboriginal Education on behalf of the Thunder Bay Police Service.

In addition to going online, researchers with Lakehead University will also be going door-to-door to conduct surveys. Participants to both the online and door to door surveys remain anonymous and responses are confidential.

Citizens can participate online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PBSR6RH

This survey will be conducted from October 21 to November 1, 2019. Upon completion of the survey process, the data will be analyzed by a research team at Lakehead University for release in early 2020. 

Thunder Bay