The Corporate Services Branch is responsible for: Human Resources, Recruitment, Professional Standards, Public Complaints, Risk Management, Property and Stores, and Training.

In addition to managing the day-to-day human resources needs of a police service, the members of this unit also focus on attracting and retaining the very best candidates for a career in policing. A strong police service needs strong human resources, and recruiting often looks both inside and outside of Thunder Bay's borders. For our sworn compliment, recruitment looks to hire new officers into the cadet program and attract experienced officers who can make this city their new home.
The risk management officer's role is ensuring quality assurance and fostering a culture of continuous improvement through the police service. Developing and maintaining training manuals, overseeing all TBPS policies and procedures, and coordinating the delivery of training bulletins are among this officers' core duties.
Members of the Professional Standards Unit are responsible for the intake, investigation and reporting of complains against police. They are also responsible for ensuring processes adhere to the Solicitor General requirements and timelines. Learn more here.
In order to have a police service that functions to its fullest potential, its members must undergo regular training. This training could be to learn new skills, or maintain an existing knowledgebase. Members of the training unit are responsible for ensuring all training programs meet legislative requirements, and that all members have the training that is expected of their role.
The civilian members of this unit are the caretakers of evidence and found property. They are responsible for a warehouse of items and ensure that the inventory is well documented and maintained. They also oversee the destruction of items, sometimes through auction, and adhere to strict retention schedule policies.